Chapter 3 The potion
Chapter 3 The potion Chapter 3 The potion On the way home from school, Danny stopped at Uncle Hal's. Uncle Hal was an inventor. This meant spending hours out in his garage making a noise. The only trouble with Uncle Hal's inventions was that they never got finished. He always said they still needed 'a little fine tuning'. Then he forgot all about them and started on something else. Danny had liked the self-sucking straw which made milk bubble by itself. The underwater chess set had been anot
Chapter 3 The potion

Chapter 3 The potion

On the way home from school, Danny stopped at Uncle Hal's.Uncle Hal was an inventor. This meant spending hours out in his garage making a noise.The only trouble with Uncle Hal's inventions was that they never got finished.He always said they still needed 'a little fine tuning'.
Then he forgot all about them and started on something else.Danny had liked the self-sucking straw which made milk bubble by itself.
The underwater chess set had been another good idea.But Uncle Hal couldn't remember where he'd put it.His garage was crammed to the ceiling with old pipes, tubes, boxes, bottles, and funny-smelling powders.He spent most of his time looking for things among the chaos.
Danny banged three times on the garage door.It lifted up and there was Uncle Hal wearing a pair of purple glasses.The glasses had two small light bulbs on the top of the frames.Uncle Hal touched a button behind his ear. The glasses lit up.
'Clever eh? What do you think?' he asked.
'They're amazing,' said Danny. 'What are they for?'
'Seeing in the dark.' Uncle Hal shut the garage door behind them.He turned off the lamp on his work bench.
'Now, imagine there's a power cut and you haven't got a torch.You switch on your Light Specs and - hey presto! - you can see.'
'Can I try them?' asked Danny, taking off his own glasses.
Danny switched on the Light Specs.'All I can see are two blobs of light. They hurt your eyes,' he said, disappointed.
'I know,' said Uncle Hal. They still need a bit of fine tuning.'He switched the lamp back on and started to take his invention to pieces.
'So, how was school today?' 'It stank,' said Danny.
'Usual stink or anything special?'