Chapter 2 The empty seat
Chapter 2 The empty seat Chapter 2 The empty seat The next day started badly. The bus to school was crowded. His best friend, Sparrow, waved to him but the seat next to him was taken. The only spare seat was next to Duncan Wicks. Wicks was in the year above and Danny always kept out of his way. He'd seen Wicks pick on younger kids in the playground. He made them hand over their sweets or drinks. If they argued, Wicks gave them a wrist burn. He gripped their wrist hard and twisted his hand u
Chapter 2 The empty seat

Chapter 2 The empty seat

The next day started badly. The bus to school was crowded.His best friend, Sparrow, waved to him but the seat next to him was taken.The only spare seat was next to Duncan Wicks.
Wicks was in the year above and Danny always kept out of his way.He'd seen Wicks pick on younger kids in the playground.He made them hand over their sweets or drinks.
If they argued, Wicks gave them a wrist burn.He gripped their wrist hard and twisted his hand until they cried out.Danny bet it really hurt.
Danny pretended he hadn't seen the empty seat. But Wicks had seen him.
'There's a seat here, Specs. I'm not going to eat you.'
Danny sat down. He hated being called Specs.
Wicks didn't move along, so Danny had to perch on the edge of the seat.
Wicks pointed to Danny's bag. 'Got your lunch in there?'
'No,' Danny lied. 'I have school dinners.'
Wicks nodded. He pretended to be looking out of the window.Then he made a grab for Danny's bag.
Danny held on, but Wicks punched him on the arm.Danny bit his lip to stop himself crying out.
'Let's have a look then,' said Wicks, unzipping the bag.
He took out Danny's lunch box and said in a dumb voice, 'Well I never - sandwiches!Your mum must have forgot you have school dinners.'
Everyone on the bus was looking over now.Danny saw Laura Mills watching. Laura was in his year.With her springy black hair and dark eyes she was just the kind of girl Kit Kane would have as his girlfriend.
Wicks was sniffing Danny's cheese sandwiches.He turned up his nose and went to put them back.Then he spotted the fudge bar at the bottom of the box.
'This'll do. Thanks, Specs,' he said, pulling off the wrapper.
'That's mine! Give it back,' said Danny hopelessly.