Chapter 5 Moussa and Ibrahim
Chapter 5 Moussa and Ibrahim Chapter 5 Moussa and Ibrahim When the moped bounced into Moussa's village, the children nearby stopped what they were doing and stared. Georgia was sitting straight and tall on the back. Who - or what - had Moussa brought with him? The youngest children rushed to find their mothers and hide behind their skirts. Georgia knew she looked strange to them, but reassured herself that things were always that way when an outsider came to a new place. "Toubab," the children w
Chapter 5 Moussa and Ibrahim

Chapter 5 Moussa and Ibrahim
When the moped bounced into Moussa's village, the children nearby stopped what they were doing and stared.Georgia was sitting straight and tall on the back.Who - or what - had Moussa brought with him?The youngest children rushed to find their mothers and hide behind their skirts.Georgia knew she looked strange to them,but reassured herself that things were always that way when an outsider came to a new place."Toubab," the children would call, running after her once they had gotten over their surprise.It meant "foreigner," and reminded Georgia of how far she had to go before she could truly call Mali her home.
Moussa pulled up in front of his hut in the late afternoon.The comforting sound of someone pounding millet filled the air. It was Moussa's wife, Aminata.With her were their four children, who Moussa introduced to Georgia.Ibrahim, the oldest, had a big, warm smile just like his father's.There was something about Ibrahim that seemed so familiar to Georgia. What was it?
Her thoughts were interrupted by Moussa whisking her off to show her everything.He took her to the shelter where he kept his ducks and chickens. He showed Georgia his fields.He climbed to the roof of his hut and pointed out where he dried his vegetablesso his family would have food after the growing season. Ibrahim followed everywhere.
Moussa had big plans, and Georgia was immediately impressed with his ambition.It made her think of her father and how he had transformed an old battered barn and greenhouse into their home, as well as a thriving business.
Moussa wanted to raise more chickens, but he needed a larger house for them.He had all sorts of questions for Georgia on the matter.Moussa wanted to know, could she recommend a way to build a better one?What could she tell him about planting soybeans?Would the plants grow in his soil, and where should he plant them?Thinking about her family's garden, Georgia was certain she could help Moussa.She was impressed to hear that he had already heard of using a solar dryer for vegetables.Moussa peppered her with questions on that subject also.Did she know how to make one? he asked. How long would it take?
Ibrahim listened to his father's questions, and Georgia noticed he paid close attention to every detail.Then it struck her: Ibrahim was just like Charlie! Like Charlie, he noticed everything.He was also about Charlie's height, and just as bony.
"How old are you, Ibrahim?" Georgia asked. "Eleven," he said.
"You're the same age as my brother," Georgia said, delighted."I'll show you a picture of him sometime."
Ibrahim grinned broadly, reminding Georgia even more of her brother.
The next time Georgia came back, she helped Moussa pick out a spot to plant a crop of soybeans.She brought a set of plans showing how to build a new chicken house.Moussa nodded with interest when she mentioned her family's bright red one.Georgia had another set of plans for the solar dryer,which would resemble a mud brick shed, with a roof made of thick, sturdy glass.The sun would pass through the glass and dry the vegetables inside.
Over the weeks, Moussa and Ibrahim worked hard on the projects.Georgia visited when she could, once riding her bike the entire way.After school Ibrahim helped to make mud bricks for the new buildings.He made so many bricks that he lost count! Still, he looked forward to Georgia's visits.Georgia was always astonished to see how much the stack of bricks had grown.She complimented Ibrahim on his progress,marveling at his ability to work quickly no matter what the weather was like.Somehow, it was easy for Georgia to speak Bambara with Ibrahim.He didn't mind her mistakes and corrected her gently when she asked for help with the language.She liked hearing stories about his village and his family.The stories helped her to understand the people of Mali and their traditions.
In return she told Ibrahim stories about her home.She described the chicken house her father had built, and her favorite hen, the Rhode Island Red.And she told him all about Charlie.
"You said you had a picture of him," Ibrahim reminded her. "Can you bring it?"
"Sure, no problem," Georgia replied.
Much of the work took place during the month of Ramadan.Ibrahim explained to Georgia that most of the people in Mali were Muslims, and Ramadan was their time of fasting.From sunrise to sunset, Ibrahim said, many Muslims neither ate nor drank during this holy month.Children of Ibrahim's age were excused from the fast. Moussa, however, was not.He was working long days without food or drink.In the hot sun of Mali, it was not easy to pass by a well and not take a gulp of water.Still, Moussa resisted the urge. Georgia again found herself impressed with Moussa's ambition.She knew Moussa and her father would get along well if they had the chance to meet.Georgia had written her family a few letters about Moussa's family and how much she liked working with them.In response she had received a letter asking how all their projects were going.
Moussa and Ibrahim finally finished the chicken coop.The soybeans that Georgia had helped them plant were already starting to sprout.And soon they would have enough bricks to complete the solar dryer!It would take only about half a day to build once they had the bricks, and Georgia planned to help.
At last, the day for building the solar dryer arrived.Moussa showed up at Georgia's door on his moped to take her to his farm,and she grabbed her picture of Charlie before they sped off.Now that the work was nearly done,Georgia sadly realized that there might be few chances left for her to visit with Moussa's family.But at least Ibrahim would now have the chance to see a picture of Charlie!