Chapter 4
Chapter 4 Chapter 4 So Snorri and Halfdan sailed home from the island of Hlesey. When the women of the tribe saw all the delicious fish piled high on their boat, they cheered and set about cooking a sumptuous feast. They were about to sit down to eat when the King and the Viking warriors returned. They looked exhausted and weak from lack of food. 'We didn't find anyone to bash on the head,' said King Olaf, quietly. 'The lads weren't exactly a hundred per cent, not having eaten anything for
Chapter 4

Chapter 4
So Snorri and Halfdan sailed home from the island of Hlesey.
When the women of the tribe saw all the delicious fish piled high on their boat, they cheered and set about cooking a sumptuous feast.
They were about to sit down to eat when the King and the Viking warriors returned.They looked exhausted and weak from lack of food.
'We didn't find anyone to bash on the head,' said King Olaf, quietly.'The lads weren't exactly a hundred per cent, not having eaten anything for so long, so we couldn't row far.Then it got dark and we were all a bit... frightened.So we thought we'd best just come home.'
'Well there's plenty of food here now,' said Snorri. 'Welcome back!'