Chapter 3
Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Snorri was right. There were plenty of fish in the waters above the Kraken and they did seem to swim right into the brothers' nets. In no time, their little boat was piled high with enough fish to feed their tribe for a whole year. 'Even better, nobody had to get horribly killed by a gigantic octopus,' said Snorri. 'Crab,' said Halfdan. 'Octopus!' said Snorri. 'Crab!' said Halfdan. They were so busy arguing that they didn't notice as the waters around them began to bubbl
Chapter 3

Chapter 3
Snorri was right. There were plenty of fish in the waters above the Krakenand they did seem to swim right into the brothers' nets.In no time, their little boat was piled high with enough fish to feed their tribe for a whole year.
'Even better, nobody had to get horribly killed by a gigantic octopus,' said Snorri.
'Crab,' said Halfdan. 'Octopus!' said Snorri. 'Crab!' said Halfdan.
They were so busy arguing that they didn't notice as the waters around them began to bubble.At last, with a great roar, a monster with the tentacles of a gigantic octopus andthe shell and claws of a gigantic crab burst out of the sea.
'Well that settles that,' said Snorri. 'We're both right.'
'Afternoon,' said the Kraken. 'I've been watching you two for a while now but I still can't decide...'
'Decide on what?' asked Halfdan.
'Which one of you I'm going to eat first, of course!' said the Kraken.
Before the brothers knew what was happening, the Kraken had grabbed them in its great tentacles.It swung them high into the air.
'Eany-meany-my-nee-mo,' the Kraken chanted.'Catch a Viking by his toe. If he squeals, eat him -'
'Hooray!' squealed Halfdan. 'I'm about to die an extremely painful death!'
'Right!' roared the Kraken. 'In you go!'
'Wait!' shouted Snorri just as the Kraken was about to bite Halfdan's head off.
'You're not trying to stop me eating you, I hope,' it said.'Sailors try all sorts of clever tricks to stop me eating them, but they never work, you know.'
'How could they?' said Snorri. 'You're far too clever to be tricked by silly little sailors!'
'That is a lovely thing to say,' said the Kraken. 'A truly lovely thing to say!What kind of vicious, heartless creature could eat you both up after you've said something as lovely as that ?'
The Kraken thought for a moment. 'This one!' it cried. 'I'm starving!''I was just thinking that we're going to taste awfully dry,' said Snorri.
'Dry? What are you talking about?' said the Kraken. 'There's water all around us!'
'Yes, but it's salt water,' said Snorri. 'Ugh! It dries out your mouth!No, everyone knows that a Viking tastes best when washed down with lashings of lovely Rune Juice!'
'Rune Juice?' said the Kraken.
'Yes, it's a Viking brand of fruit juice. My favourite flavour is apple,' said Snorri.'Though some people prefer blackcurrant.Hey, what a stroke of luck, we're not far from the island of Hlesey, the home of the sea god Aegir!He makes the best Rune Juice in the world, especially for the gods!In his golden hall, there are cups that refill themselves every time you take a drink!'
'But I'm ginormous,' said the Kraken. 'I can't drink out of some measly little cup!'
'You won't have to,' said Snorri.'Aegir has a cauldron full of Rune Juice that was stolen from the Land of the Giants. It's five miles deep!'
'What are we waiting for?' said the Kraken.He plonked Snorri and Halfdan back down on the deck of their fishing boat and pushed them all the way to Hlesey.
For a long time, Halfdan didn't say anything. He just stared at Snorri. Then at last he said,