Chapter 2
Chapter 2 Chapter 2 When Snorri woke up, he was sitting in the longship next to his brother. Someone had dressed him up in his battle gear and stuck a sword in his hand. 'At last, he is awake!' ow kind of you to Join us, you worthless spawn of sniveling sea scum!' bellowed a massive Viking straight into Snorri's face. 'Oh, hello Uncle Eric,' said Snorri. 'How's Auntie Agnetha?' 'Still mad, thanks for asking!' bellowed Uncle Eric. 'I bet you're excited now, aren't you?' asked Halfdan.
Chapter 2

Chapter 2
When Snorri woke up, he was sitting in the longship next to his brother.Someone had dressed him up in his battle gear and stuck a sword in his hand.
'At last, he is awake!' ow kind of you to Join us, you worthless spawn of sniveling sea scum!'bellowed a massive Viking straight into Snorri's face.
'Oh, hello Uncle Eric,' said Snorri. 'How's Auntie Agnetha?'
'Still mad, thanks for asking!' bellowed Uncle Eric.
'I bet you're excited now, aren't you?' asked Halfdan.
'I've got the worst headache of my life.Uncle Eric's just shouted at me so loudly I think my brain's turned to soupand I'm about to be violently killed,' said Snorri. 'Of course I'm excited.'
'Me too!' said Halfdan. He looked like a little boy waiting for Christmas morning.
'Oh bother!' said Snorri suddenly. 'What's the matter?' said Halfdan. 'Forgotten my pyjamas,' said Snorri.'This is a Viking raiding party!' said Halfdan. 'You won't be needing your pyjamas!'
'What, go to sleep the night before an important battle without my special jim-jams on?' said Snorri.'Not likely. I won't get my proper rest.I'll be all grumpy and that'll really take the fun out of being horribly killed. Won't be long!'
Before Halfdan could stop him, Snorri had jumped out of the longship and run off.