Chapter 4 A Strange and Wonderful Place
Chapter 4 A Strange and Wonderful Place Chapter 4 A Strange and Wonderful Place Just as suddenly as the wind began blowing, it stopped, and everything was quiet for a moment. The children could tell that they were not at their grandparent's house anymore. They were not sure where they were because they could hardly see anything except for the green walls around them. "Where are we?" cried Chuyen. "I think somebody is coming," whispered Tri. They heard the sound of happy laughing voices gett
Chapter 4 A Strange and Wonderful Place

Chapter 4 A Strange and Wonderful Place

Just as suddenly as the wind began blowing, it stopped, and everything was quiet for a moment.The children could tell that they were not at their grandparent's house anymore.They were not sure where they were because they could hardly see anything except for the green walls around them.
"Where are we?" cried Chuyen.