Chapter 4 Harry Meets Muffin
Chapter 4 Harry Meets Muffin Chapter 4 Harry Meets Muffin Mary-Anne and Josh were out of breath. They sat, puffing, on the grass. A nursemaid came along, pushing a very shiny pram. An older boy walked by her side. Mary-Anne called to the nursemaid, "Can you tell me the time, please?" "Nearly midday," answered the nursemaid. "Help! Mother will skin me!" yelped Mary-Anne. The boy was peering into the pram. Your baby is ugly! Huh! You're no oil-painting yourself! "Never mind him," c
Chapter 4 Harry Meets Muffin

Chapter 4 Harry Meets Muffin

Mary-Anne and Josh were out of breath. They sat, puffing, on the grass.
A nursemaid came along, pushing a very shiny pram.An older boy walked by her side.
Mary-Anne called to the nursemaid, "Can you tell me the time, please?"
"Nearly midday," answered the nursemaid.
"Help! Mother will skin me!" yelped Mary-Anne.
The boy was peering into the pram.
Your baby is ugly! Huh! You're no oil-painting yourself!
"Never mind him," cried Mary-Anne. "I've got to hurry home."
They pushed the pram down the path which ran between the trees.They hurried as fast as they could.
Josh looked at the bushes beside the path."Can you hear something?" he whispered.
Mary-Anne listened. "Yes. There's something in the trees."
"It's following us," said Josh in a very quiet voice."I think it's a big animal. I heard it sniff."
"Wolves!" said Mary-Anne. "They can smell us. They'll hunt us down."
"No, it's human!" yelled Josh. "Run!"
They flew down the path towards the park gate.But the rustling and crashing continued. It got faster, keeping up with them.
Mary-Anne and Josh kept their hands on the pram and their eyes on the gate. Only a little further ...
Then a dark shape shot out of the bushes and stood in their path. "Got you," it said.
It was the owner of the dirty face which had been peering out of the bushes at them.The rest wasn't too clean, either.