Chapter 4 Time's Running Out
Chapter 4 Time's Running Out Chapter 4 Time's Running Out Dear Diary, I absolutely, positively have to write my essay this weekend, and I still don't have any ideas. Even when I create make-believe newspapers to entertain Mom, Dad, and Grandma Kate, it is just about little things. Like "storm of orange butterflies hits lazy acres." Or "maisie the horse gives birth to twins." That's about as exciting a headline as you're going to get around here. Well, I'd better stop goofing off and write that
Chapter 4 Time's Running Out

Chapter 4 Time's Running Out
Dear Diary, I absolutely, positively have to write my essay this weekend, and I still don't have any ideas.Even when I create make-believe newspapers to entertain Mom, Dad, and Grandma Kate, it is just about little things.
Like "storm of orange butterflies hits lazy acres." Or "maisie the horse gives birth to twins."That's about as exciting a headline as you're going to get around here.
Well, I'd better stop goofing off and write that essay.But about what? Hey, who's here? I don't know anybody who drives a fancy red car.
Dear Diary, It was Grandma Kate! She sure is full of surprises.She said she was tired of driving the big gray station wagon around.
"See? An old dog can learn new tricks," she said, winking at me.
We all went out to the porch to visit.I was having such a fine time that I didn't have the heart to tell Grandma Katethat I was supposed to be doing homework.