The Magic School Bus In the Time of the Dinosaurs
The Magic School Bus In the Time of the Dinosaurs The Magic School Bus In the Time of the Dinosaurs It was Visitors' Day at our school. Parents, relatives, and friends were coming that afternoon to see our work. In Ms. Frizzle's class, we were making the whole room into Dinosaur Land! I love visitor's day! My grandma's coming. My parents are coming. I hope she likes my project. Suddenly, Ms. Frizzle said, "Please pay attention, children. I have wonderful news!" I wonder what the good
The Magic School Bus In the Time of the Dinosaurs

The Magic School Bus In the Time of the Dinosaurs

It was Visitors' Day at our school.
Parents, relatives, and friends were coming that afternoon to see our work.
In Ms. Frizzle's class, we were making the whole room into Dinosaur Land!
I love visitor's day! My grandma's coming.
My parents are coming. I hope she likes my project.
Suddenly, Ms. Frizzle said, "Please pay attention, children. I have wonderful news!"
I wonder what the good news is. Maybe it's lunchtime already.
Maybe we don't have to learn all these dinosaur names.
"Our class has been invited to a dinosaur dig," explained the Friz.
"We'll be leaving right away."We're leaving now? I guess Ms. Frizzle forgot about visitors day. She never forgot anything before.
As we went out, one kid grabbed the video camera.
Others took along model dinosaurs for good luck.
When you have the wackiest teacher in school, you need all the luck you can get!
We couldn't believe we had to get on that rickety old school bus again.
Kids held their lucky dinosaurs tight, and hoped for the best.
My lucky dinosaur is tyrannosaurus Rex. My lucky dinosaur is stegosaurus.
My lucky dinosaur is wondering if this old bus will make it!
As we rolled onto the highway, Ms. Frizzle shouted from the driver's seat,
"We're on our way to fossil country, kids!
Who knows what a fossil is?" Luckily, we had done our homework.
We knew a fossil is anything left from a prehistoric animal or plant.
This story is make-believe. There no dinosaurs in the time of cave people.
After we had been driving for a long time, we came to a desert where people were working.
Ms. Frizzle said this was the dinosaur dig.
The people were paleontologists - scientists who study prehistoric life.
Dinosaurs lasted for 150 million years on earth! Weren't they amazing, Arnold?
It's amazing that I've lasted this long in Ms. Frizzle's class.
Everyone at the dig was working hard,using all kinds of tools to separate the fossils from the rocks around them.
I see you're still interested in dinosaurs, Jeff.
Valerie! I haven't seen you since high school! Let's get this on video!
The paleontologists told us they had found the fossil bones of a duckbilled dinosaur called Maiasaura.
She calls him Jeff?!! He calls her Valerie?!!
They went to high school together?!! That must have been in prehistoric times.
The paleontologists seemed sad.
"We were looking for fossil eggs," they said. "But we haven't found any yet"
We found the bones of some Maiasaura, dinosaurs, Valerie.We were hoping to find their nests.
I didn't know her name was Valerie.
We saw a gleam in Ms. Frizzle's eye.
"Want to look for some Maiasaura nests kids?" she shouted.
But we just got here. I want to look at that crane. I wanna see the dinosaur bone.She rushed us onto the bus and drove off. See you later, Jeff.
We hadn't gone far when Ms. Frizzle stopped the bus.
She turned a dial on the dashboard, and the bus began to change.
It looked like a giant alarm clock. Ms. Frizzle said it was a time machine!
Now I've seen everything. This bus is getting ridiculous.
Maiasaura were some of the very last dinosaurs on earth.
The hand on the clock started moving backward:
One hour back ... one day back ... one year back ...Outside the windows, the desert was whizzing by. One thousand years ... one million years ...
"We're on our way to the time of the Maiasaura. Hang on, class!" yelled the Friz.
Ring! Ring! The alarm went off.
We heard Ms. Frizzle say, "Oops! We had a little machine trouble.I we went back too far in time, but it's nothing to worry about."
Nothing to worry about! We missed the time of the Maiasaura by millions of years!
Class, we're in the late Triassic period the time of the early dinosaurs!
You mean we're in the same place but in another time?
You mean this is what that desert looked like 220 million years ago? Wow! It's a jungle out there!
The Friz pointed to some dinosaurs that were hunting on the banks of a river.
"Their name is Coelophysis" she said.
"These early dinosaurs were small and light. The giant dinosaurs did not develop until later."
Coelophysis have excellent teeth for eating meat.Their teeth have "saw" edges like steak knives. Try not to look like a steak!
Suddenly, a large reptile rose out of the water and opened its huge mouth.
"That is not a dinosaur," Ms. Frizzle said. "It's a phytosaur - a crocodile-like reptile."
The phytosaur caught a little dinosaur and pulled it underwater.
We wanted to get back on the bus, pronto!
But Ms. Frizzle said we had to learn about Triassic plant life.
We were examining some ferns when Ms. Frizzle shouted, "Look at those terrific prosauropods!
They were the first dinosaurs to eat plants!"
I just love Triassic plants class - don't you?
Do you hear something? You mean those crunching sounds?
Ms. Frizzle isn't the only one who loves Triassic plants.
A sudden downpour caught us by surprise. But the dinosaurs went right on eating.
In a tropical forest, rains are frequent and heavy, Arnold.
Now she tells me! Jeff will love this video.We ran for the bus, and Frizzie called, "Get ready to go forward in time, kids!"
The last things we saw before we took off were some small, furry animals.
Ms. Frizzle said they were the first mammals.
When will we see Maiasaura eggs?
Maiasaura lived 160 million years from now. Let's see if we can find them.The hand on the clock moved ahead, and the Triassic rain forest whizzed out of sight.
Ring! Ring! The alarm went off, and we heard Ms. Frizzle say, "Oh no!"
We had stopped too soon. It was the Late Jurassic Period, the Age of Giants!
Here are some interesting tree trunks. Um ... I don't think so.
"Notice these sauropod dinosaurs, children," said Ms. Frizzle.
They were kind of impossible to miss. They were the largest land animals that ever lived!
Sixty million years have passes since we were here last.
Look! Those sauropods are swallowing their food whole!
Their teeth are not good for chewing, phoebe.
They swallow stones to grind up food in their stomachs.
It must take a lot of plant's to feed a giant sauropod.
Sauropod must spend most of their time eating. What a life!
Under a pile of leaves, we found some dinosaur eggs just about to hatch!Are they the Maiasaura eggs?
No, keesha. Maiasaura did not live in the Jurassic period. They came later much later.
Nearby some stegosaurs - plated dinosaurs - were eating plants.
One of the stegosaurs had a hurt leg.
Suddenly an Allosaurus approached the wounded Stegosaurus.
Stegosaurus's spiked tail lashed out. It missed Allosaurus by an inch!
What would happen next? We held our breath.
Allosaurus darted close and took a big bite. Then it moved back and waited.
Stegosaurus got weaker and weaker. It had become food for Allosaurus.
Class, whatever Allosaurus does not eat will feed other dinosaurs, too.
At my old school we never got this close to predators.
I guess that stegosaurus won't become a dinosaur Fossil.
No it's becoming a dinosaur dinner.
As we ran for the time machine, Ms. Frizzle pointed out some strange birds.
"The first birds appeared in the Late Jurassic," she said.We still didn't find Maiasaura nests. Come on. Let's go look for them.
Then she pushed the fast-forward button and shouted, "Maiasaura, here we come!"
Ring! Ring! The alarm went off again.
We looked out - and then we freaked out! Once again, we had stopped too soon.
"Here we are in the Late Cretaceous Period," announced Ms. Frizzle.
"At this time there was a sea right in the middle of our continent."
We're in the same place 25 million years later. How time flies. That's not all that flies.
Out the windows, enormous sea reptiles swam by.
Overhead, flying reptiles glided past, dipping their beaks in the water to catch fish.
We were getting a little wet.
I'm homesick. I'm seasick. At my old school the bus didn't leak.
Can't we find a drier time, Ms. Frizzle?so the Friz set the clock ahead again.
The next thing we knew we had traveled forward two million years.
Now, we were at the very end of the Cretaceous Period.
This was the time of the last dinosaurs. This was the time we had been looking for!
The sea has dried up in this part of the world, class. This is the time of the Maiasaura.
You let a couple of million years go by and look what happens!
As soon as we got off the bus, we saw that the Cretaceous world was different.
The weather was cooler. There were colorful flowers and fruits everywhere.And there were lots of new plant-eating dinosaurs.
"These plant-eaters could chew better than any other dinosaurs," said Ms. Frizzle.
"They had terrific teeth for grinding, and they had cheeks!"
Cheeks keep food from falling out so plant-eaters do not lose food they have already chewed.
Gee, I didn't know cheeks were so important.
We were watching the plant-eaters chew, when some tyrannosaurs approached.
They were some of the largest meat-eaters ever.
Their mouths were giant biting machines with sixty sharp, stabbing teeth!
Uh-oh. Here comes trouble! Tyrannosaurus trouble!
Some other dinosaurs had more teeth, but tyrannosaurus had enormous teeth.
I feel sorry for the tooth fairy.
The tyrannosaurs were scary enough. Then a pack of Troodon showed up, too!
They were small, but there were a lot of them!
They began circling the bus to see what it was.
I hope you are observing the troodon, class.Notice the slashing claw in each back foot.
We'd like to observe them, Ms. Frizzle, but ... We have to leave ... right away.
In a hurry ... This instant ... In other words ... now!We sized up the situation and ran.
As we came over the crest of a hill, we saw an incredible sight!
It was the Maiasaura nesting ground!
Wow! look at all the babies. It's dinosaur day care!
We weren't the only ones who had found the Maiasaura.
The Troodon had followed us. They invaded the nesting ground.
The Maiasaura parents defended their young. All at once, a sandstorm blew up.
In minutes, a thick layer of sand covered the dinosaurs.
These dinosaurs will all be buried. Poor dinosaurs! Poor us!
Everything happened so fast. There was no way we could help the dinosaurs.
Maybe they would become fossils.
Oh, no! I dropped my model Maiasaura! Hurry up and run!