Chapter 5 Lemonade
Chapter 5 Lemonade Chapter 5 Lemonade After school, Mr. Scary called Mother at her work. And he told her that I got disappointed about the tournament. That's how come - for dinner that night - Mother made my favorite meal of pasketti and meatballs. Plus she and Daddy tried to be extra nice to me. "I know you're upset about not being in the kickball game," Mother said. "But everyone has disappointments in life, honey." I was still in a bad mood. "I hate disappointments. I hate them," I said
Chapter 5 Lemonade

Chapter 5 Lemonade
After school, Mr. Scary called Mother at her work.And he told her that I got disappointed about the tournament.
That's how come - for dinner that night - Mother made my favorite meal of pasketti and meatballs.Plus she and Daddy tried to be extra nice to me.
"I know you're upset about not being in the kickball game," Mother said."But everyone has disappointments in life, honey."
I was still in a bad mood. "I hate disappointments. I hate them," I said.
Daddy patted me. "Yes, well, we all hate being disappointed, Junie B.," he said."But Mr. Scary said you can still do something fun in the tournament."
I did a mad breath. "I hate that dumb tournament. I hate it," I said.
Daddy squinted his eyes at me. He said to please stop saying hate.
"I hate saying hate. I hate it," I said.
After that, Daddy picked me up. And he carried me to my room for a time-out.
It was not unexpected. I waited till he was gone.
"I hate time-outs. I hate them," I whispered to my stuffed elephant named Philip Johnny Bob.
I hate them, too, Junie B., he said back.
I hate everything you hate. You and me hate everything exactly the same.
I hugged him very tight. I love that guy.