Chapter 5 Monkey Business
Chapter 5 Monkey Business Chapter 5 Monkey Business Mrs. called my name. "Junie B.? Would you like to go next?" she asked. Then I jumped right up. And I ran speedy fast to the front of the room. "Guess what?" I said very excited. "Last night my mother had a baby! And it's the boy kind!" Mrs. clapped her hands. "Junie B. Jones has a new little brother, everyone!" she said. "Isn't that wonderful?" Then all of Room Nine clapped, too. "Yes, only you haven't even heard the bestest part yet!
Chapter 5 Monkey Business

Chapter 5 Monkey Business
Mrs. called my name. "Junie B.? Would you like to go next?" she asked.
Then I jumped right up. And I ran speedy fast to the front of the room.
"Guess what?" I said very excited. "Last night my mother had a baby!And it's the boy kind!" Mrs. clapped her hands.
"Junie B. Jones has a new little brother, everyone!" she said. "Isn't that wonderful?"
Then all of Room Nine clapped, too.
"Yes, only you haven't even heard the bestest part yet!" I said very loud."Because guess what else? He's a MONKEY! That's what else!My new brother is a real, alive, baby MONKEY!!!"
Mrs. got a funny look on her face. And she squinted her eyes very tiny.And so maybe she didn't hear me or something, I think.
"I said I've got a monkey brother!" I shouted real louder.
Then that mean Jim jumped right up from his desk. And he hollered, "Liar, liar, pants on fire!"
"No they are not on fire, you big fat Jim!" I said back."I do too have a monkey brother! You can ask my grandma Miller if you don't believe me!"