Chapter 5 Share the Wealth
Chapter 5 Share the Wealth Chapter 5 Share the Wealth The center of Sir Ector' s castle garden held a labyrinth, and all around flowers and vines grew into swirling, curving structures. Leaves rustled ahead of him, leading Miguel into the maze. "Arthur?" he called out. Dark clouds rushed in overhead. The air chilled. Excalibur sizzled next to him. He traveled deeper into the maze, following voices that seemed to come from its center. The day grew darker. Spookier. Miguel wanted to turn ba
Chapter 5 Share the Wealth

Chapter 5 Share the Wealth
The center of Sir Ector' s castle garden held a labyrinth,and all around flowers and vines grew into swirling, curving structures.Leaves rustled ahead of him, leading Miguel into the maze.
"Arthur?" he called out. Dark clouds rushed in overhead.The air chilled. Excalibur sizzled next to him.
He traveled deeper into the maze, following voices that seemed to come from its center.The day grew darker. Spookier.
Miguel wanted to turn back, but he knew this story would never end unless he moved forward.The time had come to end this game. Now or never.
"Arthur, you must become king," he said. "It is the only way."
"And face men like you, who will always chase glory and steal and lie to achieve their ends?"
"I was wrong. I let the power of Excalibur eclipse my judgment.You are the true king." Miguel said."It is your special gift of leadership that this country deserves."