Chapter 5 The Case Is Solved!
Chapter 5 The Case Is Solved! Chapter 5 The Case Is Solved! "The letter writer must be in our class," said Gladys as she and Julia ate lunch. "You're right because only someone in our class could have slipped the second note into my book," said Julia. "But why couldn't you match up the handwriting samples?" asked Gladys. "Maybe our collection of handwriting samples is incomplete," said Julia. "I thought you got samples from everyone. Suddenly Julia remembered something. "I think I know
Chapter 5 The Case Is Solved!

Chapter 5 The Case Is Solved!
"The letter writer must be in our class," said Gladys as she and Julia ate lunch.
"You're right because only someone in our class could have slipped the second note into my book," said Julia.
"But why couldn't you match up the handwriting samples?" asked Gladys.
"Maybe our collection of handwriting samples is incomplete," said Julia.
"I thought you got samples from everyone.
Suddenly Julia remembered something."I think I know who wrote the letter! Worried Witness was home sick yesterday."
"Well, Kim was out yesterday, but she's still not back.She couldn't have written today's note."
"Peter was out yesterday, too, but he is back today," said Julia."Maybe he gave me the second letter."
"Let's get a sample of his handwriting to see if he did it!" exclaimed Gladys."We want to be sure before we accuse him.We don't want to be incorrect."