Chapter 3 The Produce Fights Back
Chapter 3 The Produce Fights Back Chapter 3 The Produce Fights Back Meanwhile, at the front of the store, the word of the dairy's plan had spread through the grapevine. In fact, it was the grapes who told the rest of the produce what was going on. "They're moving in on us, fellas," said the grapes ominously. "What are we going to do?" "We can't let it happen!" said an apple defensively. "We're up front for a reason. Look how good we look!" "It's absolutely true we do," said the head apple.
Chapter 3 The Produce Fights Back

Chapter 3 The Produce Fights Back

Meanwhile, at the front of the store, the word of the dairy's plan had spread through the grapevine.In fact, it was the grapes who told the rest of the produce what was going on.
"They're moving in on us, fellas," said the grapes ominously. "What are we going to do?"
"We can't let it happen!" said an apple defensively."We're up front for a reason. Look how good we look!"
"It's absolutely true we do," said the head apple. "I glisten like a brand-new car.We all do! And we certainly deserve to be seen first!"
"Yes, but that dairy group is pretty strong," said the oranges. "Especially the milk."
The head apple looked unimpressed. "Well, I have a plan to stop their madness.Let's get the other produce involved. We need all the help we can get.Hey, you grapes, thanks bunches for the information." "Any time," said the grapes.
The apples began to enlist the help of the other fruits and vegetables.
"We're all ears!" said the corn when the apples told them the story.
"We can be the lookouts," said the potatoes. "We have eyes in the backs of our heads!"
So the produce started devising their plan, and soon they were ready.