Chapter 5 You Promised!
Chapter 5 You Promised! Chapter 5 You Promised! After supper, Clare counted the squares of the chocolate bar. She felt them through the wrapper. There were seventy-two. Clare worked out that would last her about ten weeks if she ate one square a day. Of course, if she shared the bar with Ben, it would only last five weeks. That was the trouble. She wasn't sure that she wanted to share her prize. "Let's have a piece,"said Ben, eagerly. "No,"said Clare. She wasn't ready to tear open the shin
Chapter 5 You Promised!

Chapter 5 You Promised!

After supper, Clare counted the squares of the chocolate bar.She felt them through the wrapper. There were seventy-two.Clare worked out that would last her about ten weeks if she ate one square a day.
Of course, if she shared the bar with Ben, it would only last five weeks.That was the trouble. She wasn't sure that she wanted to share her prize.
"Let's have a piece,"said Ben, eagerly.
"No,"said Clare. She wasn't ready to tear open the shiny red wrapper. It looked too perfect.
That was the trouble with Ben. He would never save anything. He'd rip off all the paper right away.Then he'd stuff himself with so much chocolate that he'd probably be sick.