Chapter 6 The Hiding Place
Chapter 6 The Hiding Place Chapter 6 The Hiding Place Clare didn't come out of her room all evening. She laid the giant Wibble bar on the floor. She was feeling a bit guilty about Ben. Maybe she ought to give in and let him have a piece of her chocolate? But that meant tearing open the shiny wrapper. Clare wasn't ready to do that yet. She liked to save her sweets for the right moment. Later, she told herself, she would let Ben have a piece. Later, but not yet. If she ate just one small piece
Chapter 6 The Hiding Place

Chapter 6 The Hiding Place

Clare didn't come out of her room all evening.She laid the giant Wibble bar on the floor. She was feeling a bit guilty about Ben.
Maybe she ought to give in and let him have a piece of her chocolate?But that meant tearing open the shiny wrapper. Clare wasn't ready to do that yet.She liked to save her sweets for the right moment.
Later, she told herself, she would let Ben have a piece. Later, but not yet.If she ate just one small piece a day, she could make it last for a long, long time.
Ben, meanwhile, was sulking in his room. He wasn't speaking to his sister.
When he met Clare going into the bathroom, he glared at her silently.
Clare brushed her teeth and got ready for bed.