Chapter 7 A Nasty Feeling
Chapter 7 A Nasty Feeling Chapter 7 A Nasty Feeling In the morning, Clare woke up. She looked on the floor. Then she remembered where she'd hidden the giant bar last night. She felt hungry. Should she have some now, or save it until after school? Perhaps she'd just steal the tiniest piece now. To see what it tasted like. Downstairs, she could hear her mum and her brother in the kitchen. It was safe to get the bar out. The more she thought about the chocolate, the more she longed to taste it
Chapter 7 A Nasty Feeling

Chapter 7 A Nasty Feeling

In the morning, Clare woke up. She looked on the floor.Then she remembered where she'd hidden the giant bar last night.She felt hungry. Should she have some now, or save it until after school?
Perhaps she'd just steal the tiniest piece now. To see what it tasted like.
Downstairs, she could hear her mum and her brother in the kitchen.
It was safe to get the bar out. The more she thought about the chocolate, the more she longed to taste it.
She imagined peeling back the red wrapper.She imagined the snap the chocolate would make when she broke off the first piece.Would it taste like ordinary milk chocolate? Or would it be better? Sweeter and creamier?
Clare felt down the side of the bed with her hand.