CHAPTER 6 CHAPTER 6 "It smells awful in here," Josh muttered. "Josh, this closet is filled with cleaning stuff," Dink told him. "It's supposed to smell awful." "Could you guys whisper?" Ruth Rose said. "You want our parents to wake up and find us gone?" It was nearly midnight. Ten minutes before, the kids had snuck out of their rooms and hidden in the closet. Josh yawned. "I should be asleep, having a great dream," he said. "Instead, I'm squashed in here like a sardine, waiting for a dumb g

CHAPTER 6"It smells awful in here," Josh muttered.
"Josh, this closet is filled with cleaning stuff," Dink told him. "It's supposed to smell awful."
"Could you guys whisper?" Ruth Rose said. "You want our parents to wake up and find us gone?"
It was nearly midnight. Ten minutes before, the kids had snuck out of their rooms and hidden in the closet.
Josh yawned. "I should be asleep, having a great dream," he said."Instead, I'm squashed in here like a sardine, waiting for a dumb ghost who isn't even real!"
Dink grinned in the dark. "I heard that ghosts hate kids with red hair," he whispered.
"Yeah? Well, I heard that ghosts eat blond-haired kids for breakfast!"
Suddenly Ruth Rose put out both hands. "Shh, I think I heard something," she said.
Josh snorted. "Nice try, Ruth Rose, but..."
"Shh!" whispered Dink. "I heard something, too!"
He pushed the closet door open a crack. All three kids peered out into the hallway.
Dink heard a groan, like the wind howling through a cave.
Suddenly a tall white figure appeared at the end of the hall.It gave off a shimmery white light and seemed to float above the floor.
"Oh my gosh!" Josh croaked. "I wanna go back to bed!"
The ghost wore a long white gown. Its hair was white and stuck up in spikes.And there were just black, empty holes where the eyes should have been!
Josh grabbed Dink's arm. It hurt, but Dink was too scared to say anything.
The figure drifted slowly toward the kids' hiding place. It was carrying a long silver sword.
"It knows we're in here!" Josh squeaked.
The ghost paused at each door, then stopped in front of Room 202. That's our room! Dink thought.
"Dink," the ghost moaned. "Go home! This place is dangerous!"