Chapter 6 Football at The Palace?
Chapter 6 Football at The Palace? Chapter 6 Football at The Palace? So Tom and King Arthur rode over the mountains and fields to Tom's village. When Tom's mother opened the cottage door she laughed and she cried. She hugged Tom welcome home and she told him off for running away. At last Tom got free and said. "Ma, this is my friend, King Arthur." "Lawks, the King!" said Tom's mother, and she started laughing and crying all over again. The village children came to see what was going on.
Chapter 6 Football at The Palace?

Chapter 6 Football at The Palace?

So Tom and King Arthur rode over the mountains and fields to Tom's village.
When Tom's mother opened the cottage door she laughed and she cried.She hugged Tom welcome home and she told him off for running away.
At last Tom got free and said. "Ma, this is my friend, King Arthur."
"Lawks, the King!" said Tom's mother, and she started laughing and crying all over again.
The village children came to see what was going on.
Tom told King Arthur, “These are my friends, the team."
“Pleased to meet you," said the King, and the children giggled and bowed and blushed.
“And this," said Tom, “is my dad. He's brilliant at teaching football."