Chapter Two THE RUNAWAYS Chapter Two THE RUNAWAYS Tommy walked along, thinking of spankings. It was dark when he reached home. Tommy could see the evening star. He went to the barn to say hello to the horses. Father had named them Dan'l Webster and Henry Clay. Tommy gave them each an apple. "You don't have to be good in church, do you?" Tommy said. The horses stamped and snorted. Tommy saw the hay wagon piled high with hay. He wanted to jump from the hayloft down into all th


Tommy walked along, thinking of spankings.
It was dark when he reached home.
Tommy could see the evening star.
He went to the barn to say hello to the horses.
Father had named them Dan'l Webster and Henry Clay.
Tommy gave them each an apple.
"You don't have to be good in church, do you?" Tommy said.
The horses stamped and snorted.
Tommy saw the hay wagon piled high with hay.
He wanted to jump from the hayloft down into all that hay in the wagon.
So up he climbed, into the loft.
"Hi, Dan'l Webster! Hi, Henry Clay!Look at me!" he hollered. Then he jumped into the hay wagon.
Two hens squawked. Something in the dim loft said.
It sounded like a baby crying. "Who's there?" said Tommy.
Dan'l Webster stamped his hoof.
Tommy climbed back into the loft to see what had made the noise.
"Who's there?" Tommy hollered.
"Stop right there!" said a deep voice. "You won't take us alive!"
A black man stood up, covered with hay.He had an axe in his hand.