Chapter 3 Goal!

Chapter 3 Goal! Chapter 3 Goal! "Ma!" shouted Tom, and he ran on his teeny-tiny legs and he kicked the door as hard as he could, bang, bang, bang. "Open up, Ma!" he shouted. "Quick! There's a cat that likes the smell of me!" Tom's mother opened the door. She looked in front of her. She looked to the left and to the right. "There's nobody there!" she said. But Tom kicked at her ankle. "It's me, Ma!" "Lord love us, it's my darling boy!" said his mother. She carried Tom safe inside and she


Chapter 3 Goal!

Chapter 3 Goal!

"Ma!" shouted Tom, and he ran on his teeny-tiny legs and he kicked the door as hard as he could, bang, bang, bang.

"Open up, Ma!" he shouted. "Quick! There's a cat that likes the smell of me!"

Tom's mother opened the door. She looked in front of her. She looked to the left and to the right.

"There's nobody there!" she said. But Tom kicked at her ankle. "It's me, Ma!"

"Lord love us, it's my darling boy!" said his mother.

She carried Tom safe inside and she bathed him clean in a tea-cup.She told Tom, "From now on, my darling. I'll not let you out of my sight."
