Chapter 2 Let Me Out!
Chapter 2 Let Me Out! Chapter 2 Let Me Out! "I'm bored," said Tom to his mother one day. He was kicking currants all over the table. "Well," said his mother." "If you'll stop spoiling those currants you can see how I make a nice pudding for your father's dinner. Sit on my thimble and watch what I do." But there's not much fun to be had in watching a spoon being stirred around above your head. Tom wanted to see how the flour and eggs and milk all mixed together inside the bowl. So, when his
Chapter 2 Let Me Out!

Chapter 2 Let Me Out!

"I'm bored," said Tom to his mother one day. He was kicking currants all over the table.
"Well," said his mother." "If you'll stop spoiling those currants you can see how I make a nice pudding for your father's dinner.Sit on my thimble and watch what I do."
But there's not much fun to be had in watching a spoon being stirred around above your head.Tom wanted to see how the flour and eggs and milk all mixed together inside the bowl.
So, when his mother turned to put a pan of water to boil, Tom reached his teeny-tiny hands up to the rim of the mixing bowl.
He pulled and kicked himself up so that he could look down and see and smell the spicy mixture.
"Mmnn, yum!" said Tom. He bent forward to reach a finger to take a taste ... and he toppled over the top of the bowl, plop, into the mix!