Chapter 4 Oh, Wow!
Chapter 4 Oh, Wow! Chapter 4 Oh, Wow! But one day Tom's mother was in the doorway, chatting as mothers do. Tom sneaked out around the women's ankles. But as soon as he got outside, something strong picked Tom up and lifted him high into the sky. Tom struggled and twisted and saw that he was in the beak of a big black raven. "Let go, you bully!" said Tom. When he looked down he saw his cottage and his Ma shrunk teeny-tiny far away. And he saw great green mountains and a big blue sea that h
Chapter 4 Oh, Wow!

Chapter 4 Oh, Wow!

But one day Tom's mother was in the doorway, chatting as mothers do.
Tom sneaked out around the women's ankles.
But as soon as he got outside, something strong picked Tom up and lifted him high into the sky.
Tom struggled and twisted and saw that he was in the beak of a big black raven. "Let go, you bully!" said Tom.
When he looked down he saw his cottage and his Ma shrunk teeny-tiny far away.And he saw great green mountains and a big blue sea that he'd never seen before. "Oh, wow!" he said.