Chapter 6 Shark!
Chapter 6 Shark! Chapter 6 Shark! "Yeah!" The children pumped their fists in the air. The pod now floated quietly above the sandy ocean floor. The lights from the pod illuminated hundreds of sea cucumbers moving along the sand. Jellyfish and shrimp drifted past in a flash of colour. It was a strangely peaceful sight after their wild ride. Gabriela asked, "Where are we?" The computer replied, "Location unknown. Navigation sensor has been damaged." "We're lost," Berko commented. In order to
Chapter 6 Shark!

Chapter 6 Shark!

"Yeah!" The children pumped their fists in the air.The pod now floated quietly above the sandy ocean floor.The lights from the pod illuminated hundreds of sea cucumbers moving along the sand.Jellyfish and shrimp drifted past in a flash of colour.It was a strangely peaceful sight after their wild ride. Gabriela asked, "Where are we?"
The computer replied, "Location unknown. Navigation sensor has been damaged."
"We're lost," Berko commented.