Chapter 7 Flower Head
Chapter 7 Flower Head Chapter 7 Flower Head Day Four Dear first-grade journal. I am writing this page on a stupid dumb tour bus. Stupid dumb tour bus is the grown-up word for there is nothing but old people on this thing. We are going on a nature hike. A nature hike is when you look at plants and birds and scenery. I cannot think of a worse activity. Mother said I will get some good pictures today. Big whoop. From, Junie B, I Do Not Want to Be Here. I closed my journal. And I d
Chapter 7 Flower Head

Chapter 7 Flower Head
Day Four
Dear first-grade journal. I am writing this page on a stupid dumb tour bus.
Stupid dumb tour bus is the grown-up word for there is nothing but old people on this thing.
We are going on a nature hike.
A nature hike is when you look at plants and birds and scenery.
I cannot think of a worse activity.
Mother said I will get some good pictures today. Big whoop.
From, Junie B, I Do Not Want to Be Here.
I closed my journal. And I did a huff.
"This stupid dumb bus trip is taking forever;" I grumped.
Mother and Daddy rolled their eyes. 'Cause we hadn't actually left the parking lot yet.
I kept on grumping.
Then finally, finally, finally ... the bus door closed. And we started to go.
A man in the front seat picked up a microphone.
"ALOHA!" he hollered. All of the bus people sat there real silent.
Then a few of them said aloha back at him ... only way quieter.
The man laughed. "Oh, come on. You can do better than that!" "ALOHA!" he hollered again.
And so this time more people said it. But they still weren't loud enough for him, I guess.Because we went through that same nonsense five more times.
I tapped on Mother. "This guy is getting on my nerves," I said. "Shh," she said back.
I looked at Squeezer. "Being shushed is getting on my nerves, too," I said.
The man kept talking. He said his name is Donald. And he will be our nature guide today.
I did a sigh. "Little children do not like nature," I said.
Donald kept on blabbing. He said we were on our way to a beautiful rain forest.And we will see some of the most spectacular scenery in the world.
I covered my face. "Little children hate spectacular scenery," I said.
Donald went on. He said we will see gorgeous flowersand magnificent trees and beautiful birds of all colors. I did a loud groan.
"Can this situation get any boringer?" I said.
An old man in front of me heard me say that.
He peeked his head over the seat real friendly.
He said his name was Harold. And he was "eighty-eight years young."
"When you get to be my age, spectacular scenery is as exciting as it gets," he said.
I sighed again. "That's not much to look forward to, Harold," I said.
Daddy quick leaned over. And he told me to please find something to do.
Then he gave me my camera. And he said to take a picture of the people on the bus.
I waited till we stopped at a light. Then I stood in the aisle. And I took a picture.