Chapter 7 Ship Building
Chapter 7 Ship Building Chapter 7 Ship Building Friday morning Dear first-grade journal, We have been working on our play for the whole entire week. We already wrote some of our words. And ha! I am going to say, Land! Land! We landed on Land! Only bad news. On account of Herbert is Land. And today Herbert got sick with the virus. And so NOW what am I supposed to do? Just sail around and around the whole livelong day? Without Land, explorers are nothing. From, Junie B., First Grader
Chapter 7 Ship Building

Chapter 7 Ship Building
Friday morning
Dear first-grade journal, We have been working on our play for the whole entire week.
We already wrote some of our words. And ha!
I am going to say, Land! Land! We landed on Land!
Only bad news. On account of Herbert is Land. And today Herbert got sick with the virus.
And so NOW what am I supposed to do?Just sail around and around the whole livelong day? Without Land, explorers are nothing.
From, Junie B., First Grader
Just then, the bell rang for school to start. And so I quick put away my journal.And I got ready to work on the play some more!
'Cause hurray, hurray! Today we were making our costumes!
Mr. Scary got out costume supplies from boxes he brought from home.
He gave me and May cardboard to make our ships.Plus also, he gave us ship patterns! He gave Sheldon a ship pattern, too.
Because guess what? Sheldon was going to be the Niña!
He said he didn't even care that the Niña was the smallest ship.On account of he liked the little squiggle over the n!
"The little squiggle makes the Niña look special," he said."It looks like a little bird." Mr. Scary smiled at that comment.