CHAPTER 8 CHAPTER 8 "Look." Dink pointed to a small framed picture on the bedside table. "Mr. and Mrs. Jeffers!" "You know these people?" Livvy asked. "We met them yesterday," Ruth Rose said. "We think one of them might be the ghost." Livvy's eyes grew wide. "Why would they want to scare the guests away? They seem so nice!" "That's what we plan to find out," Dink said. Livvy carefully placed the wig back on the closet shelf. As she stepped back, her arm caught on something. A long si

"Look." Dink pointed to a small framed picture on the bedside table. "Mr. and Mrs. Jeffers!"
"You know these people?" Livvy asked.
"We met them yesterday," Ruth Rose said. "We think one of them might be the ghost."
Livvy's eyes grew wide. "Why would they want to scare the guests away? They seem so nice!"
"That's what we plan to find out," Dink said.
Livvy carefully placed the wig back on the closet shelf.
As she stepped back, her arm caught on something. A long silver object clunked to the floor.
"It's the ghost's sword!" Ruth Rose said. She picked it up and laughed. "It's just painted wood!"
"Guys, look at this stuff!" Josh had been examining some tubes and bottles on a vanity table."Look, white clown makeup. And black! This is what I smelled in the hallway last night!"
"Hey, guys, a tape recorder," Ruth Rose said. "Kids, please don't touch..."
Before Livvy could finish, Ruth Rose had pushed the play button.