Chapter 8
Chapter 8 Chapter 8 "Well, you were right about one thing," Ruth Rose whispered to Josh. "Mr. Pinkowski does have big feet!" "Yeah, but they still don't look as big as those footprints we saw," Dink whispered back. The kids were hiding behind the bushes near Ron's Bait Shop. Ron was standing in his yard, rubbing a cloth over a small green rowboat. "Look at that boat!" Josh said. "It could be the one we saw out at the island!" "But I don't see any calamine lotion on him," Dink said. "And h
Chapter 8

Chapter 8
"Well, you were right about one thing," Ruth Rose whispered to Josh. "Mr. Pinkowski does have big feet!"
"Yeah, but they still don't look as big as those footprints we saw," Dink whispered back.
The kids were hiding behind the bushes near Ron's Bait Shop.Ron was standing in his yard, rubbing a cloth over a small green rowboat.
"Look at that boat!" Josh said. "It could be the one we saw out at the island!"
"But I don't see any calamine lotion on him," Dink said. "And he's not scratching!"
Just then, a black car pulled into the driveway.Ron waved as a man in a dark suit stepped out of the car.