Chapter 9
Chapter 9 Chapter 9 The kids crossed Thistle Court and headed toward Fox Lane. There were only three small houses on the narrow lane. The last one was a cottage nearly hidden in trees and thick bushes. Somewhere, a bird let out a single chirp. Josh nudged Dink. "The car!" he whispered, pointing. The same black car was parked under a tree. The license plate said BENT. The kids snuck up to the car. All three peered through a rear window. There was no Happy Heart Dog Food box on the car's
Chapter 9

Chapter 9
The kids crossed Thistle Court and headed toward Fox Lane.
There were only three small houses on the narrow lane.The last one was a cottage nearly hidden in trees and thick bushes. Somewhere, a bird let out a single chirp.
Josh nudged Dink. "The car!" he whispered, pointing.
The same black car was parked under a tree. The license plate said BENT.
The kids snuck up to the car. All three peered through a rear window.
There was no Happy Heart Dog Food box on the car's seats or floor.
"He must've taken it into the house," Dink said, crouching down next to Josh and Ruth Rose.
"Now what do we do?" Josh asked.
"We could try getting inside the house," Ruth Rose said. Josh looked at her. "How?"
"What if we ring the bell and say we're selling Girl Scout cookies?"
Josh rolled his eyes. "Yeah, right, two boys selling Girl Scout cookies!"
"Okay then I'll do it alone," Ruth Rose said.
"No way," Dink said. "No one's going into that house. If the Bents are the counterfeiters, they're dangerous!"
"So what do we do?" Josh asked. "I sure could use a sandwich!"
Suddenly, the front door opened. A short-legged hound dog with floppy ears waddled out onto the porch.The dog was brown and white, with big, sad eyes.
"Stay near the house, Shorty," a voice said. "Uh-oh," Josh whispered.
"Let's get out of here before he smells us!" Ruth Rose said.
The kids melted into the thick shrubbery growing wild on both sides of the cottage.They crept toward the backyard, trying to be as quiet as possible.
"Look," Dink said, pointing to a small garage at the very back of the property.Except for the door, the garage was surrounded by bushes."We can hide there!" Just then, the dog let out a howl.
Ruth Rose looked over her shoulder. "Oh, no! He's after us!"
The kids sprinted behind the garage. Dink found a low window.
"In here!" he said, shoving the window sash up.