Chapter 8 Being Shellfish
Chapter 8 Being Shellfish Chapter 8 Being Shellfish Thursday Dear first-grade journal, I cannot believe this situation! Mother said: "NO MORE MONEY." Plus Daddy said: "NO MORE MONEY, too." They said Grampa Miller already gave me five whole dollars more! Only he was not supposed to tell them that! And so Great! Now I have stress in my head! I need an extra buck, I tell you! I really, really need an extra buck. Your friend, Junie B, First Grader I closed my journal. And I looked all a
Chapter 8 Being Shellfish

Chapter 8 Being Shellfish
Dear first-grade journal, I cannot believe this situation!
Mother said: "NO MORE MONEY." Plus Daddy said: "NO MORE MONEY, too."
They said Grampa Miller already gave me five whole dollars more!Only he was not supposed to tell them that! And so Great! Now I have stress in my head!
I need an extra buck, I tell you! I really, really need an extra buck.
Your friend, Junie B, First Grader
I closed my journal. And I looked all around.
My friend Herbert was not writing in his journal. I tapped on his head.
"Herb! I need a buck. I really, really need a buck."
He nodded. "I know, Junie B. You told me that on the bus, remember?But I don't have a buck. I really, really don't."
He pulled out his pockets to show me.Then he turned back around. I tapped on his head again.
"Yeah, only I don't need it now, Herb. I need it for tomorrow," I explained."And so just bring me a dollar tomorrow. And I will be your bestest friend."
Herb turned around again.
"You already are my bestest friend," he said. "Plus I already told you.My mother will only give me the exact amount I need for my gifts.She says every time she gives me extra money, I lose it." I rolled my eyes.
"Mothers," I said. "They're all the same. They think children lose everything. And we don't."
Herb nodded. "I know we don't. It's ridiculous."
After that, he came back and looked in my desk.
"Can I borrow a pencil? I lost mine." I gave him a pencil.
Then I reached across the aisle. And I tapped on Lennie.
"Lennie! I need an extra buck tomorrow!Can you bring an extra buck? Huh, Lennie? Please, please, please?"
Lennie shook his head. "Sorry, Junie B. But my parents are tightwads.I've never had an extra buck in my life," he said.
Jose turned around and nodded. "My parents are tightwads, too," he said."They are muy tacanos. That means tightwads in Spanish."
Just then, snoopy-head May reached across the row very happy. And she poked me with her pencil.
"Ask me, Junie Jones! Ask me!" she said."My parents aren't tightwads. I always have extra money!"
She reached into her backpack. "I have two whole dollars with me right now! Want to see?"
She took out a shiny plastic wallet. And wowie wow wow!
There were two whole dollars folded up in there!
"See?" said May. "I told you I had money!My parents say I should always have money in case of an emergency." I sat up very perky.
"Wow. What a coincidence! 'Cause this is a 'mergency, May!" I said."And so if you will just give me one of those dollars,that will take care of my whole entire problem!"
I held out my hand. But May just frowned her eyebrows.
"Don't be silly. This is for my emergencies. Not yours, Junie Jones," she said.
She started to put her wallet back. I talked my fastest.
"But ... but ... you are a giver, May! Remember that?You are a giver ... and I am a shellfish!" May shrugged. "Yeah? So?"
"So if you give me a dollar ... I will take a dollar!And that will make sense for both of us!" May shook her head.
"No. I can't," she said. "My father says that friends should never borrow money from each other."