Chapter 8 Who Knew?
Chapter 8 Who Knew? Chapter 8 Who Knew? Pretty soon, the bell rang for recess. I hurried over to my friend Grace. 'Cause maybe she would help me find my secret admirer. Both of us skipped outside to the playground. Then all of a sudden, I stopped real fast! 'Cause I accidentally left my beautiful valentime on the table! And I didn't want anyone to take that lovely thing! "Wait, Grace! Wait right here! I will be back in a jiffy!" I said. After that, I ran my fastest back to Room Nine.
Chapter 8 Who Knew?

Chapter 8 Who Knew?
Pretty soon, the bell rang for recess.
I hurried over to my friend Grace. 'Cause maybe she would help me find my secret admirer.
Both of us skipped outside to the playground.
Then all of a sudden, I stopped real fast!'Cause I accidentally left my beautiful valentime on the table!And I didn't want anyone to take that lovely thing!
"Wait, Grace! Wait right here! I will be back in a jiffy!" I said.
After that, I ran my fastest back to Room Nine. And guess what?
I spied that Meanie Jim at my table! And he was picking up my beautiful card!
"Hey! What do you think you are doing, mister?" I yelled real loud.
Then I zoomed to my table zippedy quick. And I yanked that card right out of his mitts!
After that, I started running to the door.But Meanie Jim springed in front of me. And he held up his hand.
"Stop!" he yelled. "Don't take that valentine outside!If you take it outside, you'll get it dirty." I made squinty eyes at that boy.
"No, I will not get it dirty," I said back."And anyway, this is not your beeswax, Jim." Jim stamped his foot.
"Yes, it too my beeswax, Looney B. Jones!" he yelled."That card costed me a whole month's allowance! And I don't want you to get dirt on it!"
As soon as he said it, he quick put his hands over his mouth.
But I already heard his words. I did a gasp.
"You, Jim? You are the one who bought this card?" I asked."Why? How come? Is this some kind of meanie boy joke?"
Jim started sputtering a real lot.
"Yes. I mean, no. Uh, I mean, I didn't buy that card.It just looks like it costed a lot of money, that's all.And whoever bought it spent his whole allowance, I bet."