Chapter 9 It's Chico!
Chapter 9 It's Chico! Chapter 9 It's Chico! Deep in the cave, Eddy was feeling better, so Dora and Ric were now following his directions to get back to the entrance, when they heard woof, woof, woof! It wasn't an echo. It sounded real, and Dora exclaimed, "Did you hear that? It's Chico!" Chico barked louder and louder, and Dora finally spotted a small tail sweeping back and forth between two columns. He was stuck in a very tiny passage, but his tail wagged faster and faster as Dora got closer a
Chapter 9 It's Chico!

Chapter 9 It's Chico!
Deep in the cave, Eddy was feeling better,so Dora and Ric were now following his directions to get back to the entrance, when they heard woof, woof, woof!It wasn't an echo. It sounded real, and Dora exclaimed, "Did you hear that? It's Chico!"
Chico barked louder and louder, and Dora finally spotted a small tail sweeping back and forth between two columns.He was stuck in a very tiny passage,but his tail wagged faster and faster as Dora got closer and started talking to him,trying to assure herself and her dog that everything would be OK.
"Dora, reach in and slowly try to get him out by turning his body gently until he is free," said Eddy."And be careful not to cause a rockfall - my head can only take so much in one day."