Chapter 9 Sea Monster!
Chapter 9 Sea Monster! Chapter 9 Sea Monster! The serpent's head rose higher and higher above the water. Jack couldn't move. "He's beautiful!" said Annie. "Beautiful?" cried Jack. The serpent's neck was as tall as a two-story building. Its green scales were covered with sea slime. "Go away!" shouted Jack. "No - stay! Help us!" shouted Annie. The great serpent glided closer to the ship. Jack ducked. "Come on!" said Annie. "You can do it! Get us to shore before the ship sinks!" Jack c
Chapter 9 Sea Monster!

Chapter 9 Sea Monster!
The serpent's head rose higher and higher above the water.
Jack couldn't move. "He's beautiful!" said Annie. "Beautiful?" cried Jack.
The serpent's neck was as tall as a two-story building.Its green scales were covered with sea slime.
"Go away!" shouted Jack. "No - stay! Help us!" shouted Annie.
The great serpent glided closer to the ship. Jack ducked.
"Come on!" said Annie. "You can do it! Get us to shore before the ship sinks!"
Jack closed his eyes. He felt the ship jerk, then move forward.
He looked up. They were gliding over the giant waves.
Jack turned. The great serpent was pressing its long neck against the back of the ship, pushing it toward the shore.
As the serpent pushed them, the wind grew calmer.The clouds lifted and the water glittered with sunlight.
The rocky shore grew closer. Jack could see the tree house on the ledge above it.
"Hurry!" Annie called to the serpent monster.