CHAPTER EIGHT The Field of the Fullers
CHAPTER EIGHT The Field of the Fullers CHAPTER EIGHT The Field of the Fullers In the morning the priest said, 'I will go and bless the sea because it was not calm last night.' Monks, musicians and many other people went with him. When the priest reached the beach he saw the young fisherman. He was dead in the water and the body of the little mermaid was in his arms. The priest frowned and said, 'I will not bless the sea or anything in the sea. The young fisherman abandoned God for love, and th
CHAPTER EIGHT The Field of the Fullers

CHAPTER EIGHT The Field of the Fullers
In the morning the priest said, 'I will go and bless the seabecause it was not calm last night.' Monks, musicians and many other people went with him.
When the priest reached the beach he saw the young fisherman.He was dead in the water and the body of the little mermaid was in his arms.The priest frowned and said, 'I will not bless the sea or anything in the sea.The young fisherman abandoned God for love,and the punishment of God killed him and his love.Now take his body and the body of the mermaidand bury them in the corner of the Field of the Fullers. Do not put any sign there.'
The people put the dead bodies in a deep hole in the corner of the Field of the Fullers.They covered the hole with earth. No sweet herbs grew there.
Three years later on a holy day,the priest went to the chapel to speak to the people about the anger of God.