CHAPTER EIGHT The Hollow Hill CHAPTER EIGHT The Hollow Hill The leprechaun scrambled down the steep bank of the river. Jack started to follow, but Annie grabbed him. "Jack, the whistle won't work for Willy!" she said. "I know," said Jack. "We'll worry about that later. Right now, we just have to save Augusta! Come on!" Jack and Annie hurried after Willy to the wide, rushing river. "How do we get across?" Jack asked. "Follow me along the river," said Willy, "and I'll show you. Step lig

The leprechaun scrambled down the steep bank of the river.
Jack started to follow, but Annie grabbed him."Jack, the whistle won't work for Willy!" she said.
"I know," said Jack. "We'll worry about that later.Right now, we just have to save Augusta! Come on!"
Jack and Annie hurried after Willy to the wide, rushing river.
"How do we get across?" Jack asked.
"Follow me along the river," said Willy, "and I'll show you. Step lightly."
Willy skipped ahead of them along the riverbank.Jack and Annie followed. Jack tried to step lightly, but it was impossible.Slopping through the mud, his boots filled with ooze and made squishing sounds with every step.
The river grew narrower and narrower, twisting and turning like a snake.The mist grew thicker, until Jack could hardly see a thing.He bumped into Willy, almost knocking him over.
"Careful, laddie!" said the leprechaun. "Sorry," said Jack.
"All right," said Willy. "Here's where we cross. Hop from stone to stone after me."Willy disappeared into the mist, crossing the river.Annie followed him. Jack started across, too.He tried to hop carefully from stone to stone, but the stones were slippery.On his third hop, his boot slid off a mossy rock, and he splashed into the freezing water!
"Jack, are you okay?" Annie called in a loud whisper.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine!" Jack said. He scrambled up.His clothes were soaked and heavy. He really was miserable now.He waded to the other side of the river and joined Annie and Willy.
"Ah, you fell in," said Willy. "That happens sometimes. Come with me now, into the forest."
Jack, Annie, and Willy walked under the trees.They passed old oaks and maples that creaked in the wind.Jack shivered in his soaking wet clothes.