CHAPTER FOUR Borley: a Haunted Village
CHAPTER FOUR Borley: a Haunted Village CHAPTER FOUR Borley: a Haunted Village Borley is a small village about 100 kilometres northeast of London. It has a church, a rectory and a few houses. It also has more ghosts than any other village in England! In the 1863 Reverend Henry D. Bull built the Borley Rectory. When he died in 1892 his son became minister and lived in the rectory with his wife and daughters. On 28th July 1900 Reverend Bull heard a noise outside the rectory. He opened the door a
CHAPTER FOUR Borley: a Haunted Village

CHAPTER FOUR Borley: a Haunted Village
Borley is a small village about 100 kilometres northeast of London.It has a church, a rectory and a few houses.It also has more ghosts than any other village in England!
In the 1863 Reverend Henry D. Bull built the Borley Rectory.When he died in 1892 his son became ministerand lived in the rectory with his wife and daughters.On 28th July 1900 Reverend Bull heard a noise outside the rectory.He opened the door and saw his daughters. They were very frightened.
"We saw a ghost!" they cried. "It was a nun - a young nun.She was silent and very sad. She walked in front of us."
"Where is the ghost now?" asked Reverend Bull.
"She disappeared," said one of the girls. Some people did not believe the girls.But a doctor and a teacher saw the same nun on the same day, 28th July, a few years later.On 28th July 1972 a group of scientists saw her too!
The nun was not the only ghost of Borley Rectory.There was also a headless man, a phantom coach with two horses and others.Other bizarre happenings at Borley included organ music playing in the empty church,lights that went on and off, furniture that moved and stones that fell from the sky!
Reverend Guy Smith arrived at Borley Rectory in 1928.He and his wife didn't like the noises and the other strange events.
"I don't believe in ghosts. It's all a lot of nonsense.But I want to understand what is happening," said Reverend Smith.
So he called Harry Price to investigate. Price was a famous psychic expert.He arrived at Borley with several assistants and started investigating.
On the 10th June 1929 there was a sensational newspaper articlein the Daily Mirror about the ghostly figures at Borley.Hundreds of curious visitors came to Borley Rectory.They wanted to see the ghosts! Reverend Smith did not like all these visitors.He soon left. But Harry Price continued investigating.He wrote books about the rectory and its ghosts.
Soon Reverend Foyster and his family arrived at Borley.