Chapter Seven
Chapter Seven Chapter Seven Jimmy put his pen and money back into his pockets. Then he put his jacket on. As the police were leading Jimmy to the front of the store, they passed a man kicking the soda machine. When he saw the police, the man stopped kicking the machine. "I lost two quarters," he said. "Well, don't break the machine," the policeman told him as he walked past. Cam stopped. She looked at the man and the machine. Then she closed her eyes and said, "Click." She opened her eye
Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven
Jimmy put his pen and money back into his pockets. Then he put his jacket on.
As the police were leading Jimmy to the front of the store, they passed a man kicking the soda machine.When he saw the police, the man stopped kicking the machine. "I lost two quarters," he said.
"Well, don't break the machine," the policeman told him as he walked past.
Cam stopped. She looked at the man and the machine.Then she closed her eyes and said, "Click."
She opened her eyes quickly. The police and Jimmy were just leaving the store.
"Stop!" Cam called to them. "Come back here,"
The policewoman rushed back. "What is it now?" she asked.
"Just wait here. I think I know where the gold coins are.And," she said to the man, "you'll get your quarters back."
Cam ran to the locksmith's counter. "Someone lost money in the soda machine," she told Lenny.
Lenny opened the cash register and took out some coins.
"No. Don't give him the money. Please, open the machine and see what's wrong."
Lenny took some keys off a hook and followed Cam.He pressed some buttons on the soda machine, but nothing happened.He put a coin into the machine and pressed the buttons again. But still nothing happened.
"When we came in," Cam whispered to Eric, "Jimmy was standing right here.He put something into the machine. It might have been the gold coins."