CHAPTER SEVEN Skid-Dat-De-Dat! CHAPTER SEVEN Skid-Dat-De-Dat! Dipper closed the door. It was pitch-black inside the shop. As the wind howled outside, the broken shutters banged against the brick walls. A gust of damp air blew through the room. "It's dark in here," said Annie. "And cold." "It's creepy," said Jack. "Yup," said Dipper. "Let's leave. I've changed my mind about staying here. We can find some other place to get out of the storm." "Good idea," said Annie. "Great idea!" said Ja

Dipper closed the door.
It was pitch-black inside the shop.As the wind howled outside, the broken shutters banged against the brick walls.A gust of damp air blew through the room.
"It's dark in here," said Annie. "And cold." "It's creepy," said Jack.
"Yup," said Dipper. "Let's leave. I've changed my mind about staying here.We can find some other place to get out of the storm."
"Good idea," said Annie. "Great idea!" said Jack.
Jack heard Dipper rattle the door handle. "Uh-oh," said Dipper.
"Uh-oh what?" said Jack. "Won't open," said Dipper. "It's stuck."
Jack felt the hair rise on the back of his neck. The shutters banged in the wind.
"Hold on a second, I've got some matches in my pocket," said Dipper."I just hope they didn't get wet in the rain."
Jack heard Dipper trying to strike a match.He tried one, two, three times - then he held up a small flame. "Yay" breathed Annie.