CHAPTER TEN Questions CHAPTER TEN Questions It was twilight when Annie and Jack stepped back out into the street. "Where's the tree with the tree house?" asked Annie. "Somewhere over the bridge beyond the big dome," said Jack. They kept their eyes on the dome as they threaded their way through the streets of Florence. When they came to the cathedral, the square was quiet. The cathedral's great doors were open. Jack and Annie could see candles burning inside. Jack and Annie kept walking

It was twilight when Annie and Jack stepped back out into the street.
"Where's the tree with the tree house?" asked Annie.
"Somewhere over the bridge beyond the big dome," said Jack.
They kept their eyes on the dome as they threaded their way through the streets of Florence.When they came to the cathedral, the square was quiet.The cathedral's great doors were open.
Jack and Annie could see candles burning inside.Jack and Annie kept walking and soon came to the market.The hundreds of tents and stalls were all closed for the night. The square was empty.
Jack and Annie returned the way they had come that morning.Walking down the same narrow lanes, they saw that all the shops were closed now, too.They crossed the covered bridge and walked along the flowing river,past quiet houses where smoke curled from chimneys into the darkening sky.
Finally Jack and Annie came to the hedge that hid the tree with the tree house.In the gray light of dusk, they climbed up the rope ladder.
"Before we go home, I want to look something up," said Jack.He pulled their research book out of his bag and looked in the index for Mona Lisa.He found it and turned to the right page. "Look! It's Lisa!" said Annie.