Chapter 2 Jingle Hats
Chapter 2 Jingle Hats Chapter 2 Jingle Hats The rest of the morning, we did arithmetic. Arithmetic is the school word for adding and taking away. Only I couldn't even concentrate on my numbers that good. On account of May kept giving me mean looks. And flopping her sweater sleeve around. Pretty soon, there was a knock on the door. "COME IN, PLEASE!" said Room One. Mr. Scary taught us to say that. Only I don't actually know why. 'Cause people come in anyway. The door opened very slow. And h
Chapter 2 Jingle Hats

Chapter 2 Jingle Hats
The rest of the morning, we did arithmetic.
Arithmetic is the school word for adding and taking away.Only I couldn't even concentrate on my numbers that good.On account of May kept giving me mean looks. And flopping her sweater sleeve around.
Pretty soon, there was a knock on the door. "COME IN, PLEASE!" said Room One.
Mr. Scary taught us to say that. Only I don't actually know why.'Cause people come in anyway. The door opened very slow. And ha!
It was Mr. Toot, the music teacher! He was carrying a big brown box in his arms.
It was dusty, I think. 'Cause when Mr. Toot plopped the box on the floor,Sheldon started to sneeze his head off.
Sheldon is very allergic to dust particles.Also, he is allergic to hoagies ... and dairy products ... and nature. "AH ... AHCHOO!"
Mr. Scary looked at him real panicked.Then he quick picked up a tissue box. And he rushed to Sheldon's desk.
But Sheldon was already wiping his nose on his shirt sleeve.
"Ha! I beat you again, Mr. Scary!" he said."I beat you at that race every time I sneeze!" Mr. Scary closed his eyes.
"I have told you before, Sheldon. We are not racing," he said. Sheldon laughed.
Then he threw his first in the air. And he shouted, "SHELDON POTTS RULES!"
Mr. Scary rolled his eyes. Then he moved the dusty box farther away from Sheldon's desk.And Mr. Toot lifted the lid. I stood up to look. And wowie wow wow!
Guess what was in there? ELF CLOTHES! That's what!
There were little green elf hats with jingle bells on their ends!Plus also, there were cute elf vests with belts! Mr. Toot held them up for us to see.
"Boys and girls, our PTO made these costumes several years ago for our Holiday Sing-Alongs," he said."Aren't they great? Every single first grader is going to get to wear one today!"
He started passing them out. My richie friend Lucille got hers first.
She looked at it and made a face.
"Okay ... Number one: I don't wear this shade of green.And number two: I don't wear bell hats," she said.