Chapter 3 Laughing All the Way
Chapter 3 Laughing All the Way Chapter 3 Laughing All the Way We went to the Sing-Along after lunch. And ha! The auditorium looked like Santa's workshop! There were a jillion cute elves in that place! And wait till you hear this! Room One got to sit in the very first row! I sat in the seat right next to my friend Herbert. "This Sing-Along is going to be fun! Right, Herb? Right? This Sing-Along is going to be the time of our life!" Just then, May plopped down in the seat on the other si
Chapter 3 Laughing All the Way

Chapter 3 Laughing All the Way
We went to the Sing-Along after lunch. And ha!
The auditorium looked like Santa's workshop! There were a jillion cute elves in that place!
And wait till you hear this! Room One got to sit in the very first row!
I sat in the seat right next to my friend Herbert.
"This Sing-Along is going to be fun! Right, Herb? Right?This Sing-Along is going to be the time of our life!"
Just then, May plopped down in the seat on the other side of me. I stopped smiling.
"That seat is saved, May," I told her. "I am saving it for someone else."
She looked all around. "For who?" she asked.
"For someone not you. That's who," I said. May did not budge herself.