CHAPTER TEN Spirit of the Buttercup
CHAPTER TEN Spirit of the Buttercup CHAPTER TEN Spirit of the Buttercup Father Laurent sat down at the table and opened his book of flowers. Jack and Annie looked over the monk's shoulder. Even Barry stepped closer to the table and pushed his giant head under Father Laurent's elbow to look at the book. The monk carefully turned the rough linen pages. The pages were blank, but pressed between them were leaves and flowers. Father Laurent gently held up a cluster of tiny pink flowers. The flowers
CHAPTER TEN Spirit of the Buttercup

CHAPTER TEN Spirit of the Buttercup
Father Laurent sat down at the table and opened his book of flowers.Jack and Annie looked over the monk's shoulder.Even Barry stepped closer to the table and pushed his giant head under Father Laurent's elbow to look at the book.
The monk carefully turned the rough linen pages.The pages were blank, but pressed between them were leaves and flowers.Father Laurent gently held up a cluster of tiny pink flowers.The flowers were completely flat and dry, but they had kept all their petals and color.
"These are Androsace alpina. That's their scientific name. Their popular name is Alpine rock jasmine," said the monk."Several summers ago, I found these hidden among mountain rocks." "Nice," said Annie.
Jack held his breath. Could there be a white and yellow flower in the book?
Father Laurent turned the page and very carefully picked up a dark golden flower."This is Caltha palustris, better known as marsh marigold," he said."I found this two years ago in the southern Alps." "Lovely," said Annie.
Father Laurent turned the page again.He held up a dried white flower. "Cerastium fontanum, the mouse-ear chickweed," the monk said."Its tiny petals look like the ears of a mouse." "Cute," said Annie.
"Yes," said Father Laurent. He gently closed the cloth-covered book."Since you like flowers so much, I assume you like butterflies, too.Let me show you my favorites." He started to stand up."No, wait, please," said Jack. He tried to keep his voice steady."Do you happen to have a white and yellow flower in that book?"
Father Laurent frowned. "Hmm ... let me see. Oh, yes, of course."He opened the book again and turned the pages until he found what he was looking for.He carefully held up a flower with white petals and a yellow center.It shone in the firelight, as if it were still alive.