CHAPTER THREE A Cry in the Night
CHAPTER THREE A Cry in the Night CHAPTER THREE A Cry in the Night Mary spent most of her days outside in the grounds. The cold wind made her cheeks pink, and each evening she ate all of her food. After dinner she liked to sit near the fire and talk to Martha. "Why does Mr Craven hate the locked garden?" Mary asked once. "It was Mrs Craven's garden. She loved it. She and Mr Craven looked after the flowers together. No gardeners were allowed in." "But what happened?" Mary asked
CHAPTER THREE A Cry in the Night

CHAPTER THREE A Cry in the Night

Mary spent most of her days outside in the grounds. The cold wind made her cheeks pink, and each evening she ate all of her food. After dinner she liked to sit near the fire and talk to Martha.
"Why does Mr Craven hate the locked garden?" Mary asked once.
"It was Mrs Craven's garden. She loved it. She and Mr Craven looked after the flowers together. No gardeners were allowed in."
"But what happened?" Mary asked impatiently.
"Mrs Craven was sitting on a branch of a tree when it broke and she fell. She was injured so badly she died. That's why Mr Craven hates the garden. He won't let anyone ever talk about it."
Mary had never felt sorry for anyone before, but now she realised how unhappy her uncle must be.
The wind moaned around the house, banging at the doors and windows. Martha said it was "wutherin".
Mary listened and through the noise she thought that she heard a child crying.
"Do you hear someone crying?" she asked Martha.
Martha suddenly looked confused.
"No," she answered, "It's only the wind or the scullery maid. She's cried all day with toothache." Then Martha quickly left the room.
Next day, it rained. Mary was bored and complained to Martha that she had nothing to do.
"On a day like this at home, we all try to keep busy indoors," Martha said. "Except Dickon. He goes out on the moor in all types of weather. He brought home a fox cub that he found. He's got a crow, too, called Soot."