CHAPTER THREE Magic? Magicians?
CHAPTER THREE Magic? Magicians? CHAPTER THREE Magic? Magicians? "Wow," said Jack and Annie together. Inside the crowded fairgrounds, below the looming Eiffel Tower, a band played a lively march. Fountains shot colored water high into the sky. A small train chugged through the crowd, blowing its whistle. People of all ages from many different countries bustled about in the twilight. Everyone seemed to be having fun, reading from guide books, strolling from one exhibit to another, or buying re
CHAPTER THREE Magic? Magicians?

CHAPTER THREE Magic? Magicians?
"Wow," said Jack and Annie together.
Inside the crowded fairgrounds, below the looming Eiffel Tower, a band played a lively march.Fountains shot colored water high into the sky.A small train chugged through the crowd, blowing its whistle.
People of all ages from many different countries bustled about in the twilight.Everyone seemed to be having fun, reading from guide books,strolling from one exhibit to another, or buying refreshments and souvenirs.
"We can't see much from here," said Annie. "It's hard to know what's going on."
"What about that little train?" said Jack."Maybe we could ride on it and get a good look at everything."
"Great idea," said Annie. The train whistle blew again.
"Over there," said Jack.He pointed to a clear space where passengers were getting off the trainand other passengers were boarding. "Hurry!" said Jack.
They raced to the train and jumped on.Annie dug into her pocket and took out some coins.She held them out to the conductor.He took a few, and Jack and Annie squeezed into seats on a wooden bench.The whistle blew, steam sputtered out of the smokestack, and the small train began to move.
"Look for anything about magic or magicians," said Jack.
As the train slowly chugged through the World's Fair,a tour guide's voice blared from a megaphone:"Welcome to the World's Fair Sightseeing Train!On your ride, you will witness the astounding history of human structures as seen nowhere else!In every age, buildings had style and beauty."