Chapter Three THE SAND BAR
Chapter Three THE SAND BAR Chapter Three THE SAND BAR The fog rolled along the sand bar and out over the water and suddenly Elmer shouted, "There, behind you! Look at the pretty little green island!" "But Elmer, I can't! I can't move. Oh, Elmer, I hurt all over." The dragon grunted and groaned and strained and struggled but he was too stiff to move at all. "Elmer, do you really see dry land, not far off?" "Nice near dry green land, and the water's shallow all the way. Are you sure you can't m
Chapter Three THE SAND BAR

Chapter Three THE SAND BAR
The fog rolled along the sand bar and out over the water and suddenly Elmer shouted,"There, behind you! Look at the pretty little green island!"
"But Elmer, I can't! I can't move. Oh, Elmer, I hurt all over."The dragon grunted and groaned and strained and struggled but he was too stiff to move at all."Elmer, do you really see dry land, not far off?"
"Nice near dry green land, and the water's shallow all the way. Are you sure you can't move?"
"I'll try again. How stupid! I can't even see the land after waiting herefor it all night long in the soaking wet water,"complained the dragon, glaring at the miles of ocean before him, which was all he could see.
Elmer walked around to the dragons head and pretended not to notice that he was crying.
"Elmer, I guess I'm not much of a dragon.A little storm comes along and forces me down, and I stand in a little water for a little while andit makes me so stiff that I can't move a single muscle."
"That's not at all true," said Elmer."It was a big storm, and you stood in a lot of cold water for a very long time,and besides, you're only a baby dragon and you're not used to flying long distances.And just as soon as the sun dries you off, you'll be unstiff again.Have another lollipop." "Thanks, Elmer."
"But you'd better get unstiff pretty quick because the tide will come inand you'll be up to your stomach in water again."
"No, no," whimpered the dragon.