chapter two Life At The Camp
chapter two Life At The Camp chapter two Life At The Camp When June's letter arrived at the CCC camp, Bob hung off the top bunk making silly noises as Archie read it, but Archie ignored him. Over the last three months, Archie had learned that Bob's teasing ended sooner if he did not get a reaction. Bob and Archie had met on the train to the CCC camp, and despite the differences in their personalities, they had struck up a firm friendship. Bob was outgoing and a jokester while Archie was quieter
chapter two Life At The Camp

chapter two Life At The Camp
When June's letter arrived at the CCC camp,Bob hung off the top bunk making silly noises as Archie read it, but Archie ignored him.Over the last three months, Archie had learned that Bob's teasing ended sooner if he did not get a reaction.
Bob and Archie had met on the train to the CCC camp,and despite the differences in their personalities, they had struck up a firm friendship.Bob was outgoing and a jokester while Archie was quieter and more cautious.
Archie had a good sense of humor, however, and he enjoyed Bob's endless jokes and grand schemes.Archie had not spent much time in the country before,but after finishing school, he had found work hard to come by in the city.Dozens of people applied for even the lowest paid jobs, and employers could pick and choose.They all wanted workers with experience, but how could Archie get experience when he couldn't get a job?
When he had heard he could enroll in the Civilian Conservation Corps for six months,he had jumped at the chance to earn some money and get some work experience.
The CCC crew Archie joined was given the job of developing a new park in the nearby forest.He and the other enrollees were put to work building roads and bridges,planting trees, and setting up fire towers to help guard against the ever-present danger of forest fires.