Clues for Sue
Clues for Sue Clues for Sue Dad has a game for Sue. Sue must find a few clues. Dad helps Sue with her first clue. “The first clue is by that fruit,” said Dad. “It is in that bright blue pot.” Sue reads her first clue. “Take eight steps to Dad's desk. Touch the pad to see the next clue.” Sue reads her new clue. “Look for the trail up the steps.” Sue runs to the steps. She laughs. The trail is made of Dad's socks. Sue spots the clue by Dad's bed. “Find Dad's new
Clues for Sue

Clues for Sue

Dad has a game for Sue.
Sue must find a few clues.
Dad helps Sue with her first clue.
“The first clue is by that fruit,” said Dad.
“It is in that bright blue pot.”