Curious George and the Pizza
Curious George and the Pizza Curious George and the Pizza "Let's go out for pizza tonight, George," said his friend. At the pizza place, Tony the baker was getting the pizzas ready for baking. He flattened out a ball of dough into a large pancake and tossed it in the air. He spread tomato sauce on it, sprinkled it with cheese, and shoved it into the oven. Then the telephone rang. "A fellow from the factory wants a large pizza delivered in a hurry," Tony's wife called. "OK, I'll get
Curious George and the Pizza

Curious George and the Pizza

"Let's go out for pizza tonight, George," said his friend.

At the pizza place, Tony the baker was getting the pizzas ready for baking.

He flattened out a ball of dough into a large pancake and tossed it in the air.

He spread tomato sauce on it, sprinkled it with cheese,

and shoved it into the oven.

Then the telephone rang."A fellow from the factory wants a large pizza delivered in a hurry," Tony's wife called.

"OK, I'll get my coat," said Tony.

George was curious. Could he make a pizza, too?

He jumped up on the hunter and took some dough.

George pounded the dough into pancakes.

Then he tossed them into the air with all four hands.

One of them plopped right in the middle of a table where a woman was sitting. Another landed on a coatrack.

One fell on the juke box,

and one landed smack on Tony's head.