Daughters and Moms
Daughters and Moms Daughters and Moms Paula and her mom did not always see eye to eye. They had different ideas about clothes and meals. They fought over bedtimes and baby-sitters. They did not like listening to the same CDs. They seemed to disagree about many things. Paula bought a yellow and purple shawl. Her mom said Paula did not need it and had to take it back to the mall. Paula thought that wasn't fair at all. Mom made meat loaf with brown sauce for dinner. Her daughter ate one bite
Daughters and Moms

Daughters and Moms

Paula and her mom did not always see eye to eye.They had different ideas about clothes and meals.They fought over bedtimes and baby-sitters.They did not like listening to the same CDs.They seemed to disagree about many things.

Paula bought a yellow and purple shawl.Her mom said Paula did not need it and had to take it back to the mall.Paula thought that wasn't fair at all.
Mom made meat loaf with brown sauce for dinner.Her daughter ate one bite and balked.She thought it was awful and did not want to eat it.Mom told Paula to eat her dinner.